Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Thursday, September 24
{267/365} Each time I go to the doctor with Liam I'm full of such guilt and anxiety. That seizure changed our lives forever, so when I'm faced with deciding which shots to give him, I feel like running out screaming! Today would be different. Today I took a deep breath, camera in hand and just sat there watching my little guy. How sweet he was, running around in his onesie...opening and closing drawers...crumpling up the paper on the examination table...pointing at the cups and tongue depressors that he wanted but couldn't reach. He was especially fascinated with the scale and loved the way it wiggled back and forth. It was like a little ride! Today I would just watch my little guy and appreciate the little, sweet, boy things he does. Today I would concentrate on how lucky I am. :)

1 comment:

ScrapMomOf2 said...

Cute shot! There is something about a baby / toddler in a onesie!