Thursday, July 2, 2009

Saturday, June 27
{178/365} Tonight we celebrated Aunt Fern's 60th birthday. Thanks to the cancer insanity over the past several years,, who knew if this day would ever come? But, here we are and it really makes the day even sweeter. I even agreed to go into the city...with my 7 1/2 year old...and eat dinner at 9:30! (Poor Frank was stuck home with Liam...sorry Frank). This was OK during my 20's living in Manhattan but as a suburban Mom, I generally feed my kids before the Tonight Show. ;) That said, we made an exception and enjoyed the evening with family. Fern had a fantastic birthday dinner full of good food, stories, talk of her "hippie" days and a much appreciated scrapbook from her niece. We left at around 11:30, full and tired and wishing my Aunt many, MANY more years of happy and healthy birthdays. :)

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