Sunday, December 27, 2009

Saturday, December 5
{339/365} I'm officially one of those Moms that has to sneak the good stuff into my son's food to get him to eat. I didn't realize how nice it was when Liam had about 10 items he would choose we are down to about five. I do try and give him food from Whole Foods or Trader Joes, knowing they usually don't contain a lot of junk. He makes the "blech" face when something looks too annoying is THAT? Meanwhile, he does enjoy a good muffin so I finally cracked open my "Deceptively Delicious" cookbook and chose the "Applesauce Muffins" (with hidden carrot puree). I cut them up so he would think they were your average, everyday muffin and somehow it worked! It looks like I'll be checking out that book more often and hopefully expanding Liam's culinary horizons. ;)

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