Saturday, January 24, 2009

Saturday, January 24
{24/365} If Emily had her way, the show "John and Kate Plus 8" would be "John and Kate plus 9"! She loves that show and watches certain episodes, over and over again. I like the show because it reminds me that even on the worst of days I ONLY have two!! It also reminds me that TWO kids are more than enough for me!! Emily is the perfect mix of the twins, Cara and Mady...sweet and caring with tons of emotion and attitude! When I look at them, I see my daughter and it always makes me laugh! Emily has been really into the episode where John and Kate renew their wedding vows. She chose this photo today because she wanted it to look as if she was at the wedding. Not with THAT outfit Emily!


Luann said...

LOL I love John and Kate! That episode is so sweet. Cool photo of the day. The baby gate in front of the TV will be a special memory in 5 year also.

Scrapronicity said...

LOL Yes the gate! My son enjoys turning the TV on and off all day long. We used to have HIM in the gate (it was much bigger of course) but now that he is bigger we gate in the TV!

Kristi said...

I was commiserating with two other moms at coffee hour after church today...and we each only have two! I think that show would frighten me...

Kristi said...

Plus, I think Emily's wedding outfit ROCKS! :)

ScrapMomOf2 said...

The gate around the TV is too funny!

My girls LOVE Jon & Kate Plus 8. I just cannot imagine having 8 children! We have a special fondness for Aidan!! He's so sweet and cute, and I love his love for animals!!