Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tuesday, June 16
{167/365} On Saturday I attended a Liam inspired pity party that I threw for myself. I was sad and angry and totally confused. Today after school Em took Liam downstairs to play and all I could hear from the kitchen were giggles! I remembered the tiny smiley face Emily drew for me years ago which I always kept on my dresser. I would look at that each time I stuck myself with a needle as a reminder of why I was doing all of that. I still have the smiley face but today I got something better. Out of nowhere I heard Emily bounding up the stairs yelling "MOM...MOM". "Mom, thank you for having Liam, I just love that boy." As I closed the basement door tears welled up in my eyes. I no longer needed the smiley incentive, all I needed was Emily's incentive to keep on doing what I'm doing with that little boy. We all love him more than words can say and I know all of the time and effort even with the anger and confusion...is all worth it!

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