{85/365} While many 7 year old girls are into Hannah Montana, Emily loves two Nick shows, Drake and Josh and iCarly. She watches these shows over and over again and is constantly talking about the episodes! While there are many "older kid"shows that I dislike, I think these two are fairly cute. Granted, they still discuss older issues but it's not completely over the top. While getting a few necessities at the store the other day, I came across these iCarly pajamas. When I showed Emily, she let out a scream that was beyond belief! She begged me to wash them right away AND requested that this be the photo of the day!
My 3 kids also love those two shows. I'm with you and think they are cute without going over the top. I will have to keep my eyes open for those pjs.
You gotta love that! My girls watch iCarly once in a while! My 11 year old really likes it. They love Drake and Josh, and that girl is from that show. Emily is totally cute in these, and the enthusiasm that you described is adorable!
Since you approve the comments left here, can you get rid of the word verification? It would be so much easier to leave comments! I'm so high maintenance!! Obviously, you do NOT need to approve this comment!!!
got news for ya: my two boys BOTH love those two shows! its not just for girls. and i like em too. josh is just plain funny, no matter how old you are, as is spencer form icarly. they could be watching soooo much worse crap!
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