Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Wednesday, September 30
{273/365} Frank has worked on and off with the same people for over 10 years...not once has he ever mentioned his birthday. That ends today. Today he turns 40. :) Last week I sent a text to someone at work asking if she knew of a bakery near the stage (luckily he was NOT on location this week). She contacted the caterers on the Ugly Betty set and they were kind enough to offer to get a cake! My plan was officially taking flight!! I knew he would kill me for this, I knew he would be completely mortified but I decided to push forward...sorry but 40 only comes around once. ;) This morning I confirmed with Linda that there was in fact a cake and asked to be informed when the deed was going down. At 4:16pm I received the text "Got him good...Lindy". Followed by Franks message..."you're evil." Yes I am but I have no regrets! As much as I begged, no one took photos yet tonight I was sent some video...even better!! So, I was able to take this photo of the video...yeah! What made me laugh the most was the text I received at 4:38pm..."I'm not even going to be able to call. Short lunch today. AND it was some jackasses birthday! ;-)" Hehe...yep, got him good...

1 comment:

ScrapMomOf2 said...

You got him good for sure! Yep, 40 only comes around once! Happy Birthday to Frank!!