Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Thursday, October 15
{288/365} I simply couldn't resist this photo. My dog...relaxing. It must be nice to have a dogs life, sleeping whenever the mood strikes you. The only challenge in life is getting dinner five minutes late or dodging kids all day. ;) When Riley was a pup the slightest noise would cause her to bound up and jump into action! "What...what can I do?...are we playing?...are we eating?...what's UP?" Apparently now you can get in her face...really close with a camera...and she doesn't budge! It's sort of nuts to admit but I like the way this photo shows how soft she is and her little doggie whiskers! It makes me smile which is why I simply couldn't resist this photo. :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Wednesday, October 14
{287/365} Apparently my invitation to the toga party got lost in the mail! ;) Liam is going through a new I-need-to-take-my-clothes-off phase. I think it started when we moved from short sleeves, to long sleeves. Long sleeves annoy him so he's constantly pulling on the arms. Tonight he managed to get his shirt off but apparently didn't have much luck in the onesie department. ;) The classic moment came when Emily shouted "toga party". WHAT? I mean, my toga thoughts immediately turn to Animal House, how would SHE know what a toga party was? Did she join a sorority when I wasn't looking? Hmmm. Turns out they mentioned it on an episode of iCarly. I can handle that and it wiped away the visions of John Belushi that were dancing in my head. ;)

Friday, October 23, 2009
Tuesday, October 13
{286/365} Each year after our "pick day" I end up with way too many apples and way too much bread! In theory I would like to freeze some bread but I haven't had enough time to clean out our crowded freezer! So, I'm thinking there will be a lot of carbs consumed in the next several days. ;) The apples should find themselves in a nice apple crisp this weekend and the pumpkins will be cut up for their seeds...I'm OBSESSED with toasted pumpkin seeds!! I've yet to actually use the pumpkin in any recipe, I always intend to do so, but it never happens. Now the pressure begins...what will I carve in that giant pumpkin?? I may do another version of the "punk pumpkin" I did last year, complete with a blue mohawk, angry face and nose ring! ;)

Monday, October 12
{285/365} Five years ago my Mom, Emily and I started our fall "pick day". We start the day off at a diner that serves GIGANTIC matzo balls. They are huge so we usually get one and we all "pick" at it. ;) After lunch we head to the orchard for apple picking and then pumpkin picking. We end the day at the Rockland Bakery where we enter a giant room armed with paper bags and plastic gloves on our hands. The room is FULL of a million types of bread which we "pick" off of racks and a giant bagel making machine! Three years ago Liam joined our little group and my brother made a guest appearance. This year we decided to hold the "Fifth Annual Pick Day" on Columbus day so Frank could join us (I actually took Emily out of school for the occasion...shhhh). ;) It was a beautiful day made even better by getting to spend it together.

Sunday, October 11
{284/365} Frank came home late last night and slept for a while today. Meanwhile, I spent some time working on my shelves, trying to make them seasonal and festive. I spent such a long time obsessing on permanent "knick knacks" that I finally gave up and figured I can just change them for different holidays and times of the year! One of my most triumphant finds was the cool rattan pumpkin. They sell them at Pottery Barn for $29 but I got mine at Target for $10...woohoo! (I also found one that lights up for $15 and they are $50 at PB!!) That beautiful wreath was made by my friend Lusya (my plan is to hang it up but I need to buy an over-the-door hook), and I bought my "BOO" from her as well. I dug out some pieces from our little Halloween town (we have yet to put that up) and that white house which I always leave up, is now adorned with some Making Memories Halloween Line Art. Emily's contribution was a picture of a red leaf and there's a little turkey hanging out waiting for Thanksgiving. :) Last but not least, I found an adorable witch and Igor looking guy last week. I named them "Emily and Liam" but had to change the witches name because Emily was quite offended. ;)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Saturday, October 10
{283/365} Tonight Frank finally comes home but today Emily and I went to Oktoberfest! My amazing and creative friends Lusya and Kristen had a booth where they sold some beautiful items...both purchased and handmade. They are so talented and I was so impressed! Although my style tends to lean in the contemporary/modern direction, I really love the look of certain country accents. I believe Lusya, who recently started her own business, The Country Cape, is proud that I'm broadening my horizons!! Today I purchased a beautiful wreath, that cool witches hat, a little wooden town and a wrought iron "BOO" to place in my living room. I loved this booth and I'm so proud of my friends...I'm also glad that Lusya had this photo because I totally forgot to take one!

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Friday, October 9
{282/365} When Emily started elementary school it was only the second year they had a full day kindergarten. I was NOT a happy camper. It was so strange not having her around and although I had Liam (who was only a few weeks old when school started) I really missed her! I still have these moments throughout the day where I think about the "good old days." The days when we were free to go to Gymboree or art class or cooking class and we had no set schedule. Today I had one of those "moments" as I passed some of her "school stuff" (not real school, "Emily" play school) on the stairs. Two days ago she asked me to print out a picture and she made a teacher ID badge for herself. All of her supplies are contained in that chalk board box given to her by her Aunt Steph (dry erase is on the other side). Although she leaves her stuff EVERYWHERE, I must admit I secretly enjoy seeing it and thinking of her throughout my day. :)

Thursday, October 8
{281/365} In the late 80's the move "Parenthood" came out. I haven't seen it in years but I remember how funny it was. There was a little blond boy who was just adorable...he would put a pot on his head and walk around or get his head stuck in a lawn chair. I have to admit, there are times when Liam reminds me of that boy...for better or for worse! Case in point... Emily's class had a visit from some of the local firefighters. Her teacher was kind enough to send a fire hat home for Liam and his eyes lit up when he saw it. Of course a good mom would choose the sweet photo of him putting the hat on his head, smiling from ear to ear. I decided to choose the "I'm-going-to-put-a-blanket-on-my-head-and-then-my-fire-hat-and-walk-around-bumping-into-things" photo! Yes, I did send this little gem to Frank as well. ;)

Wednesday, October 7
{280/365} I got to bed late as usual and had a hard time getting up this morning. Each Wednesday I feel like we are so close to Friday, yet so far! I hate getting up, getting ready, getting Emily dressed, yanking Liam out of a sound sleep and getting him dressed, lots of hair brushing and whining, choosing just the right shoes and a rushed breakfast . I couldn't help thinking of the long day to come. Drop-off, pick-up, afternoon art class and Liam's therapy...getting in and out of the car over and over again. I honestly NEVER thought I would make it! When I got downstairs I found this photo waiting for me on my phone. This was Frank's morning. Although I know it was like 100 degrees in the shade AND he would be working his butt off all day, somehow I didn't feel too sorry for him. Although I'm not into the heat or sunshine or even palm trees, it certainly looked like a more promising day. :)

Tuesday, October 6
{279/365} Today is "Picture Day" at Emily's school. There is a certain amount of stress that surrounds this day which is simply ridiculous!! First we have to figure out which background to use. Should we go with the blue again or switch it up this year? Then the outfit...THE OUTFIT! Not too fancy, not too plain but just right. Now for the hair...this year we have opted for headbands which certainly alleviates the "bad hair day.". Finally the smile coaching session in the morning..."Emily, try a natural smile, not that fake smile kid"! Ah the pressure! Despite the craziness, I enjoy that school picture...I love seeing how Emily's face changes, hair changes, all of those lost teeth! I also like the class photo and checking out which kid blinked or didn't look at the camera...and more fake smiles. I'm looking forward to seeing the end result, fake smile or not. :)

Monday, October 5
{278/365} 13 years ago today, I was a bride. I was young, wore white and danced with my dad. I was packed for London and Paris. I lived in New York City and worked on Madison Avenue. 13 years ago I said "I do." It's 13 years later and I'm no longer young. I haven't worn white since that day and haven't been back to Europe. I can no longer dance with my dad. I now live in the suburbs and my employers are 8 and 2. 13 years later and life has changed...but I would still say "I do." :) The flowers arrived at about 4pm today. Since Frank had to be away for our anniversary, I say that was a good move. ;)

Sunday, October 4
{277/365} Franks plane landed in the Bahamas a bit late but safely and he was off on his island work adventure. This would be the one day he had off so he was able to hang out all day and attend a Betty BBQ tonight. I wasn't jealous that he was in the Bahamas, I never had a desire to go there. I was jealous however that on this particular Sunday I had no back up...that I was alone with the little crazies. ;) So, back at the ranch, my day was long and a bit exhausting, ending with Liam in a fabulous mood. I sent this photo to Frank so he would know what he was missing. ;) I'm wondering if he'll ever come back... ;)

Sunday, October 11, 2009
Saturday, October 3
{276/365} When I was growing up, almost every month for at least a week my dad was out of town. He travelled and it was just part of everyday life. My husband on the other hand never travels yet he's never home either...it's just part of everyday life! Well, this week that will change, Frank is off to the Bahamas with Ugly Betty. I won't get my usual break on Sunday (he has to leave by 4am tomorrow) and I won't have the security knowing that if God forbid I need him, he could be home at any time! It was so strange seeing everything laid out on the bed ready for the duffel bag. I know we'll be fine and it's only seven days but I sense it will be a very, very long week.
Friday, October 2
{275/365} The insanity factor is always at 100% in my house. Friday nights are especially crazy because Emily knows she doesn't have to go to bed early (not like she goes to bed early anyway). Tonight Liam was in the worst mood, which is actually pretty rare for him. He was literally bouncing off the walls so I set up our new trampoline so he could jump his way to happiness. ;) As usual whenever he jumps while his sister is around, she needs to get in on the action. So here they are, bouncing away at 9pm. The good news is Liam felt much better, the bad news is Emily was more awake THAN EVER!

Thursday, October 1
{274/365} I rarely get any time to myself. When my Mom comes over to watch Liam it's because I have a Class Mom activity at Emily's school, or a Girl Scout meeting or a doctors appointment. I hate asking my Mom to watch the kids so I could have some "me" time. That said, my friend Marilyn holds three hour crops in her house on Thursday evenings. I rarely get to go but she sent me the dates until the end of June, 2010. I gave these dates to my Mom, and told her if for some crazy reason she felt like hanging with the kids...I wouldn't argue with her! LOL Well, yesterday she decided she would in fact stay tonight and I was able to spend a few hours scrapping with adults. :) As I walked out the door, Liam was coloring, Emily was doing a project for school and my Mom was on the phone...see ya, have fun! :)
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Wednesday, September 30
{273/365} Frank has worked on and off with the same people for over 10 years...not once has he ever mentioned his birthday. That ends today. Today he turns 40. :) Last week I sent a text to someone at work asking if she knew of a bakery near the stage (luckily he was NOT on location this week). She contacted the caterers on the Ugly Betty set and they were kind enough to offer to get a cake! My plan was officially taking flight!! I knew he would kill me for this, I knew he would be completely mortified but I decided to push forward...sorry but 40 only comes around once. ;) This morning I confirmed with Linda that there was in fact a cake and asked to be informed when the deed was going down. At 4:16pm I received the text "Got him good...Lindy". Followed by Franks message..."you're evil." Yes I am but I have no regrets! As much as I begged, no one took photos yet tonight I was sent some video...even better!! So, I was able to take this photo of the video...yeah! What made me laugh the most was the text I received at 4:38pm..."I'm not even going to be able to call. Short lunch today. AND it was some jackasses birthday! ;-)" Hehe...yep, got him good...
Tuesday, September 29
{272/365} Sometimes the smallest things can remind me of my dad. This morning when I woke up, GMA was doing a report on Starbucks introduction of "instant coffee". I had a flash of my dad's coffee cup on the counter every single morning. Inside there was a spoonful of Tasters Choice and a packet of Sweet-N-Low, ready for water when he woke up for work. This memory inspired me to take a photo of my "Dad Container" full of my keepsakes. Each night he would take a shower, shave and splash on some Old Spice....sometimes I take a whiff and it reminds me of him. He would always shower at night and sleep in a white undershirt that had that really clean Tide dryer sheet smell. It still does. :) He always carried a small detectives badge given to him years back...I suspect it got him out of a ticket or two. ;) I have notes that he wrote to me, little knick knacks and a container of Binaca which he always carried in his suit pocket. Then there is one of the last things I added...my copy of the Mourner's Kaddish and my torn black ribbon that I wore until my father's unveiling. Looking at these items is always sad but at the same time they also remind me of how lucky I am to have such comforting memories. :)

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